You know my name.
If not you wouldn't be here.
Your typical teenage girl and a crazed k-pop fan. :D Has a weird nickname, Flea. Loves squash, BEAST and SHINee. I can like whatever I want, so shut up.
title: :[ Having drama now. D: So boringggg. I saw the SHOCK album for 17 bucks but Gemmi help me order already so ): But it's just 3 dollars. Eat less can already hahah. Robyn talking now. Our classroom will be used for dressing, changing and makeup :O Prepare place to put costume and props in class D: I use a lot of faces. Very bored. Mousehunting. I don't want to be addicted. SM is back! Do I still have to stay here? Can I go watch the rehersal? PLEASE. I left one hour battery only. How to survive the rest of the day? They just finished marking the stage. Kin Ming supposed to be here but I'm not gonna call ahahha. Okay, I'm sick of blogging.
title: :| I screwed up the PBL fila table! I printed it onto A4 paper instead of the A3 paper. Going to die. Just going to do it on A3 paper and tell Mr Han that submit wrongly. :P Doing Maths project now. Designing is important okay. As important as anything else. :D Still have the animations to do. Played friendlies today and I realised I don't know what school it was. Sec one guys. I played 3 matches, won 2 lost 1. Played with the same guy twice. Lost to him first time round and then his coach told me to go 'revenge'. So I was like, okayy... Then I won :D Yay, mom back with satay and chicken wings. I can smell the smell of the car. Lady Gaga World Stage now. Just Dance reminds me of SHINee cos they performed it before. I shall mention this again. I love GEMMI and NICOLE for buying me my early early birthday present (BEAST album :D)! Okay, hafta continue doing Math now.
title: D: I'm so fail at blogging. Everytime i say i'm going to revive it, it happens for a few posts. Then it dies again. And I didn't even post the freaking macau trip post that I half-typed out already ._. Seeing that i spend half my life on the com, i shall try to start blogging again. :D But my life is screwed and in a mess now. List of projects and shit to complete: DRAMA, ACRES, IH PBL, NATIONALS. My holidays are practically the same as my everyday life. Monday: drama, tuesday: training, wednesday: MATH D:, theursday/friday: training. Need to find pants for wilson and spray paint the singlet thing. I LOVE GEMMI AND NICOLE. Beast album for my birthday (so early.) :D Gonna bake two cheesecake for them hahahah. I sound like a retard when I blog. But i don't really care. Gonna tag on people's blog to say that I revived my bloggg. (Again.)
title: ._. Didn't go for PT today cos had to go collect passport. Bought my eye mask today. It's black cos there's no more white but it's still nice. :D HAVE TO DO PBL AND BRING TO SCHOOL TOMORROW. D: ACRES haven't done anything yet. ): Why is my life like that? Kin Ming just said that it's 50 cents for a piece of steak in Angeles City. So random. Wilson is being rude and I bet Janice is mousehunting and talking to -ahem ahem- on msn. Tomorrow's training is earlier, which means I have to wake up earlier ._. (See? I am trying to keep my promise to blog more often. :D) We played for 1 hour more during training and we didn't pay for that one hour cos nobody chase us away keke. Yoseob's merong is so cute. I can watch music bank tomorrow~ Finally can watch a live performance for shock. (Stop complaining that I sound like your friend, cos seriously, I DON'T CARE.) My PBL group is really very fail. I want to sleep, shall do work tomorrow. Goodnight.